Vol. 100 No. 3 March 2007
A Case Report of Nasal Cavity Cancer Successfully
Resected with Reconstruction of Nasal Defects
Using an Auricular Helix Free Flap
Akihiro Sakai, Yumi Ueno and Michiaki Yokoyama
(Wakayama Rousai Hospital)
Noboru Yamanaka
(Wakayama Medical University)
Surgical treatment of nasal cavity cancers usually results in defects of the nasal tip, ala and collumela, which causes a significant deterioration of QOL for the patients. We used an auricular helix free flap to reconstruct the nasal defects after successful resection of nasal cavity cancer. Donor vessels of the flap, the superficial temporal artery and vein, were anastomosed to the superior thyroid artery and external juglar vein respectively using vascular grafts. The flap successfully became established and the patient has satisfactorily accepted its appearance. We suggest that auricular helix free flap is one of appropriate surgical reconstruction methods for nasal defects with the advantage of resemblance in the color and contour of nose.
Key words :
auricular helix free flap, nasal cavity cancer, vascular graft, nasal defects
第100巻3号 目次
Vol.100 No.3 contents