Vol. 100 No. 3 March 2007
Fat Injection with an Electric Injector
Shinya Okada, Etsuyo Tamura and Masahiro Iida
(Tokai University Hospital)
Hiroyuki Fukuda
(International University of Health and Welfare, Tokyo Voice Center)
Sixteen patients with glottic insufficiency received intra-fold autologous fat injection therapy with an electric injector.
Using the electric injector made minute control possible.
Fourteen of the sixteen patients who had been given the above therapy showed an extended maximum phonation time, which was maintained for about six months after the injection.
We think that using an electric injector facilitates easier and more accurate fat injection.
Key words :fat injection, electric injector, glottic insufficiency
第100巻3号 目次
Vol.100 No.3 contents