Vol. 101  No. June  2008

A Case of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma 
to the Paranasal Sinuses

Yuki Kobayashi
(Kitami Red Cross Hospital, Asahikawa Medical College)

Naoki Kanai, Yoshiya Ishida and Tetsuji Wada
(Kitami Red Cross Hospital)

Yasuaki Harabuchi
(Asahikawa Medical College)

We report a 58-year-old man with metastasis from renal cell carcinoma to the left paranasal sinuses. The patient had undergone right nephrectomy eight years before and total thyroidectmy and left nephrectomy because of metastases three years before. He complained of upper gingival swelling and computed tomography and Magnetic Resonance imaging demonstrated a hypervasculer tumor of the left maxillary sinus, ethmoidal sinus, and nasal cavity. Although he had already had lung and paraaortic lymph node metastases, we performed lateral rhinotomy for the paranasal sinus tumor resection after emobolization in order to avoid massive epistaxis from the tumor. Recurrence of the paranasal sinus has not been seen for 10 months postoperatively.

Key words :
metastasis, renal cell carcinoma, paranasal sinuses

第101巻6号 目次   Vol.101 No.6 contents