Vol. 102  No. March  2009

Otosclerosis Update (1)
-Pathophysiology and Diagnosis-

Kaoru Ogawa, Yasuhiro Inoue, Hideyuki Saito, Sho Kanzaki
Yasuhide Okamoto, Kunio Mizutari, Takashi Suzuki and Naoki Oishi
(Keio University)

Otosclerosis is an otological disease that typicaly causes conductive hearing loss. This disease is an important clinical entity since hearing impairment in these case can be dramatically improved by surgery. In this review paper, we review recent research into the pathophysiology of otosclerosis and summarize clinical features, audiometry and diagnostic imaging examinations in 160 ears with otosclerosis that we treated surgically in our department.

Key words :otosclerosis, OPG knockout model, otospongiosis, remodeling, audiometry, high resolution CT

第102巻3号 目次   Vol.102 No.3 contents