Vol. 102  No. 12  December  2009

A Difficult-to-Diagnose Case of Adult Neck Lymphangioma

Takashi Iizuka, Takuo Haruyama, Gen Sugita, 
Masayuki Furukawa, Takeshi Kusunoki and Katsuhisa Ikeda
(Juntendo University School of Medicine)

Hidenori Yokoi and Hiroshi Yoshikawa
(Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital)

Cervical cystic lymphangioma usually develops in subjects less than two years old, but we report a case in an adults 23-year-old woman reporting cervical swelling continuing for three years had been diagnosed as having a relativery soft cervical tumor. Bloody liquid was aspirated twice from the tumor and we conducted angiography for suspected hemangioma, but no tumor staining was seen. Under a clinical diagnosis of lymphangioma indicated by computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imageing (MRI), and cervical echo graphic findings, the tumor was surgically extirpated. The definitive pathological diagnosis was lymphangioma. No recurrence has been seen 5 years since surgery.

Key words :lymphangioma, angiography, hemangioma

第102巻12号 目次   Vol.102 No.12 contents