Vol. 102  No. 12  December  2009

Anxiety and Depression Levels Measured Using a Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in Patients with an Otolaryngological Disorder

Fumiyuki Goto and Tomoko Tsutumi
(Hino Municipal Hospital)

Kaoru Ogawa
(Keio University School of Medicine)

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are closely related to mental and physical disease prognosis. This makes it important to know anxiety and depression levels in patients with physical or mental disorders who visited the department of otorhinolaryngology. We evaluated the anxiety and depression levels in such patients using a hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS).
Methods: Subjects were 67 individuals whose degree of anxiety and depression was decided on HADS. Subjects were then divided into 4 groups-group I, no anxiety or depression; group II, depression alone, group III, anxiety alone, and group IV, both anxiety and depression. We then looked at the relationship between these results and their major perceived problems.
Results: Groups I had 39 subjects II 7, III 8, and IV 13. Anxiety and depression were correlated (r=0.56; p<0.0001). 90% of subjects reported dizziness, tinnitus, or throat discomfort. Those with throat discomfort had the highest anxiety score, while those with anxiety most commonly reported dizziness.
Conclusions: Our results suggest that subjects may have anxiety and/or depression. The evaluation of anxiety and depression based on physical complaints may be difficult for otorhinolaryngologists, but it is important to do so where possible to increase the focus on the subject's physical illness and perceived problems.

Key words :anxiety, depression, hospital anxiety and depression scale, otorhinolaryngology

第102巻12号 目次   Vol.102 No.12 contents