Vol. 103  No. January  2010

A Device for Long-Term Drainage of a Frontal Sinus 
Cyst with a Silicon Tube

Takeshi Kudo, Hideo Kamada, Hiroshi Ninomiya, 
Yoshihito Yasuoka and Nobuhiko Furuya
(Gunma University Hospital)

The purpose of the surgical treatment of the frontal sinus cyst is to widen the obstructed naso-frontal sinus duct. In our department during the past 8 years, 15 patients were treated surgically with silicon tube drainage. We made three kinds of tube, type A, B and C. Depending on the intraoperative findings, the silicon tube was cut to fit the naso-frontal duct and sinus. The average intubation period was 46 months. The A type of tube was firmly placed in the naso-frontal duct. The B and C types also did not slip out spontaneously, but were safely removed after surgery. These 3 types of silicon tube have proved useful for the treatment of frontal sinus cysts.

Key words :frontal sinus cysts, silicon tube, surgical treatment

第103巻1号 目次   Vol.103 No.1 contents