Vol. 95 No. 1 January 2002

A Statistical Analysis of Outpatients Clinic at the Hospital
in the Depopulated Area

Atsushi Miyamoto
(Hamasaka Public Hospital)

Keijiro Fukazawa, Sadamu Takayasu and Masafumi Sakagami
(Hyogo College of Medicine)

     We performed a statistical study of outpatients visiting the Department of Otolaryngology at Hamasaka Public Hospital for an one year period from April 1998 to March 1999. A total of 455 of 1,658 patients (27.4%) were in the 0 to 9 years age group, which was the highest number. A total of 849 of the 1,658 patients (51.2%) had otogenic diseases.
      The incidence of acute otitis media was highest in the 0 to 9 years age group. Sensorineural hearing loss, most of which was diagnosed as presbycusis, was most common in the over 65 age group.

Key words : statistical analysis,outpatients, age group, acute otitis media, sensorineural hearing loss


第95巻1号 目次   Vol.95 No.1 contents