Vol. 95 No. April 2002

A Case of Tongue Lipoma

Daisuke Kobayashi, Akinori Kida, Susumu Ogawa, Ayako Kawamoto,
Yuki Yamauchi, Sohei Endo and Masahiko Sugitani                               
(Nihon University)

       Lipoma can arise in any portion in the body where fat tissue is exist. However, lipoma in the oral cavity is rare and reported to occur only in 2~5% of benign tumor in the oral cavity in Japan. We treated a 66-year-old female with a lipoma of the tongue. Oral examination revealed a 27×23 mm mass on the left edge of the tongue. The mass was firm on palpation. A T1 weighted axial MR image clearly showed a hyperintense mass with a small area of isointensity. The tumor was excised under general anesthesia. It was encapsulated and measured 50×30×25 mm in size. The histopathologic diagnosis was lipoma with muscle components. A review of the Japanese literature showed 55 cases of lipoma of the tongue.

Key words : tongue, lipoma , MR image


第95巻4号 目次   Vol.95 No.4 contents