Vol. 95 No. 8  August 2002

Tonsillar Focal Infection
-Present Clinical Situation and Prospects in the Future of Tonsillar Focal Infection-

Akikatsu Kataura
(Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine)

       In this article, we summarized the diagnoses of tonsillar focal infection and the enormous clinical results obtained by our department, focusing especially on the clinical effects of tonsillectomy.
       We proposed a general idea of complications related to tonsil-pustulosis palmaris et plantaris, certain skin diseases, bone joint diseases and IgA nephropathy.
       Considering the diagnosis of tonsillar focal infection and tonsillectomy result, we recognized that immunity was related with tonsillar focal infection.
       We also recognized the importance of careful clinical observation of the general disease, mainly focusing on the tonsil and its expanded clinical accumulations.

Key words : focal infection, pustulosis palmaris et plantaris, tonsillectomy, tonsillar provocation test


第95巻8号 目次   Vol.95 No.8 contents