Vol. 96 No. 2 February 2003

Aspiration Treated by Surgical Closure of the Larynx

Teiji Tanahashi
(Tanahashi EMT Clinic)

       Surgical closure of the larynx was conducted to prevent aspiration in 10 cases of severe pharyngeal dysphagia associated with intractable aspiration. The condition was due to brain stroke in 6, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) in 3 and head trauma in 1. Closure was achieved by laryngofissure in 8 cases and by bilateral vocal cord suturing under endoscopy in 2. Although a small fistula resulted in the glottic section in one case of each surgical procedure, the original objective of preventing aspiration was successfully achived in all. The decision for laryngeal closure should not be based on the dysphagic symptoms alone: the patient's systemic motor functions, intellectual disability, and even societal conditions should also be taken into consideration.

Key words : pharyngeal dysphagia, aspiration, surgical closure


第96巻2号 目次   Vol.96 No.2 contents