Vol. 97 No.11 November 2004

A Case of Verrucous Carcinoma of the Tongue
Masayuki Sakamoto, Yukiko Shinjo and Ryuzaburo Higo
(Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital)

      We report a case of verrucous carcinoma of the tongue. A 73-year-old female noticed leukoplakia of the right edge of her tongue. As a hard mass appeared in that area, partial resection of the tongue was performed. Histopathological study revealed that the intraoperative specimen was epithelial hyperplasia with moderate dysplasia. The patient was carefully followed. About half of one year later, the hard tumor reappeared. Partial resection of the tongue was performed again, and this time, histopathological study revealed that the tumor was verrucous carcinoma.

Key words : verrucous carcinoma, tongue, histopathological study, CT examination


第97巻11号 目次   Vol.97  No.11  contents