Vol. 97 No.11 November 2004

Hemangioma of the Epiglottis
Reiko Hattori, Alok Bhandari and Yuichi Majima
(Mie University School of Medicine)

Takeshi Shimizu
(Shiga University of Medical Science)

       We describe a rare case of epiglottic hemangioma in 71-year-old female with dyspnea and abnormal sensation of the larynx. There was no associated history of hemoptysis. The lingual surface of the epiglottis was occupied by a whitish pink mass with a smooth surface. The preoperative diagnosis was an epiglottic cyst. Intraoperative direct laryngoscopy demonstrated that the mass arose from the right edge of the epiglottis. The tumor was resected by YAG laser with a blood loss of 350 ml, mainly originating from the feeding artery of the mass. However, bleeding was well controlled with electrocoagulation. The pathological diagnosis was venous hemangioma.

Key words : hemangioma, epiglottis, cyst


第97巻11号 目次   Vol.97  No.11  contents