Vol. 98  No. January 2005

A Case Report: Blow-in Fracture of the Orbital Roof

Kazuhiko Yamamura and Kousei Takeda
(Japan Self Defense Forces Sendai Hospital)

      Blow-in fracture is a rare injury resulting from orbital trauma. Fragments of the orbital bone may increase orbital pressure, causing direct or indirect damage to the globe. Here, we report a case of impure type blow-in fracture of the orbital roof. A 28-year-old male presented with diplopia and frontal paresthesia caused by trauma. Coronal CT scan showed fracture of the orbital roof. We reduced the fracture via a frontal approach and achieved fixation with autologous septonasal mucosa to maintain mucociliary function of the frontal sinus. At 12 months' follow-up, he remains free of ophthalmologic symptoms and there is no clinical evidence of frontal disease.

Key words : blow-in fracture, orbital roof, septonasal mucosa


第98巻1号 目次   Vol.98 No.1 contents