Vol. 99 No. 5 May 2006
Post-tonsillectomy Hemorrhage:
A Retrospective Study of 503 Operations
Ryoji Ishida, Satoshi Nakamura,Tomohito Fuke and Hiroyuki Yamada
(Yamada Red Cross Hospital)
This study evaluated the risk factors of post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage. We reviewed 503 patients who underwent tonsillectomy in our hospital between 1998 and 2002 in relation to the age of the patients, indications for tonsillectomy, operative experience of the surgeon and BMI. The number of postoperative hemorrhage was 14 (2.7%), and 13 cases required a second general anesthesia to stop the bleeding. Postoperative bleedings occurred more than 5 days after tonsillectomy in 13 cases and occurred most frequently in cases of habitual angina, older age, with a history of previous peritonsillar abscess, with obesity.
Key words : tonsillectomy, risk factor, postoperative hemorrhage