Vol. 99 No. 12 December 2006
Macrolide Therapy and Antiallergic Drug for Allergic
Rhinitis with Radiological Paranasal Sinus Shadow
Kousuke Yoshifuku, Shoji Matsune and Yuichi Kurono
(Kagoshima University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences)
Patients with allergic rhinitis are frequently complicated with some abnormal findings in the paranasal sinuses by X-ray examination. Recently this disease is being diagnosed as allergic rhinosinusitis. In many allergic rhinosinusitis cases, antiallergic drugs such as antihistamines and topical steroids comprise effective medication, but additional macrolide therapy for sinusitis has been reported to be in effective and unnecessary. In this study,the relationship between the type of X-ray shadow of sinuses and the efficacy of macrolide with antiallergic therapy in allergic rhinosinusitis cases was studied as a retrospective therapy. Subjects were 44 allergic rhinosinusitis patients aged from 4 to 60 years old enrolled in the out-patient clinic of the Kagoshima University Hospital ENT clinic. All the allergic rhinosinusitis cases were classified into 3 groups based on the type of X-ray shadow in the sinuses; mucosal thickness, polypous, and diffuse patterns. The X-ray findings were compared between before and after antiallergic therapy with/without macrolide in children and adult cases. X-ray examination revealed that the diffuse type was found in 18 of 42 (42%) children and in 26 of 136 (19%) adults cases. In child cases the diffuse type X-ray shadow was seen more often and macrolide therapy was thought to be more effective in combination with antiallergic medication than in adult cases. This study suggests the efficacy of macrolide therapy in the field of pediatric allergic rhinosinusitis.
Key words :macrolide, X-ray shadow of sinuses, diffuse type, pediatric allergic rhinosinusitis
第99巻12号 目次
Vol.99 No.12 contents