Vol. 99 No. 12 December 2006
A Case of Myopericytoma of the Neck
Atsuhito Takahashi, Kazuhiko Shoji, Yasutaka Kawata, Shinji Suzuki,
Yo Kishimoto, Tsuyoshi Kojima, Takehiro Iki and Gen Honjo
(Tenri Hospital)
Satoshi Ikegami
(Shizuoka City Hospital)
Myopericytoma is a newly-defined benign soft tissue tumor showing perivascular myoid differentiation. This tumor usually arises from the extremities of the elderly, however its occurrence in head and neck is rare. A 67-year-old woman presented with a gradually growing painless mass of the lateral neck. The tumor, which was well circumscribed, measured 38×35 mm. On CT and MRI study, the tumor was well enhanced by contrast medium. Preoperatively, we diagnosed the lesion as a neurogenic tumor like paraganglioma, because of its rich blood supply. The tumor was easiky excised under general anesthesia. The surgical specimen was histopathologically and immunohistochemically diagnosed as myopericytoma. The postoperative clinical course was uneventful, and she was discharged 11 days after surgery. Currently, she is making satisfactory progress without recurrence. We reported a case of myopericytoma of the neck and review the literature.
Key words: myopericytoma, soft tissue tumor, neck
第99巻12号 目次
Vol.99 No.12 contents