Curriculum Vitae

SATOW, Morihiro (佐藤 守弘)

as of April, 2020
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Ph. D. in Art Theory (Doshisha University)
Professor in the Department of Aesthetic and Art Theory in the Faculty of Letters, Doshisha University.
>Curriculum Vitae in Japanese

Teaching Interests: History and Theory of Art, Photography, and Visual/Material Culture
Research Interest: Topography and Landscape in Modern Japan (Edo Doro-e, Yokohama Photographs, Pictorialist Photographs, etc.), Popular and Vernarcular Object-Images (Tourist Imagery, Mourning Photograhy, Railroad Photography, etc.)





Selected Essays and Articles  [In English Only; see Japanese CV for Essays in Japanese]

Selected Lectures, Symposia, Conferences [In English Only; see Japanese CV for presentations in Japanese]


Academic Affiliations