Bamboo Journal No. 30 (2017年3月発行 issued March 2017)
*Japanese **Japanese with English abstract
***English ****English with Japanese abstract
論 文 Articles No.30-1** 菊川裕幸・三輪邦興:「丹波焼」における竹焼成の可能性と陶器の品質に及ぼす影響 Hiroyuki KIKUGAWA & Kunoki MIWA:The possibility of bamboo firing for "Tamba ware" production and itsu effect on pottery quality No.30-2**** Natsumi AIKAWA, Hiroshi TOMIMATSU, Ayumi MATSUO, Yushin SANGETSU and Akifumi MAKITA:Recovery rocess of a dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis) population for 19 years after synchhronous flowering and die-off 相川奈津美・富松裕・松尾歩・山月融心・蒔田明史:広域同調開花・枯死後19年間にわたるチシマザサ個体群の回復過程 No.30-3**** Kaori KOCHI & Youhei HORIUCHI:Distribution of bamboo forests and their influence on other types of forest in Nara Preefecture, Japan 奈良県における竹林の分布と他林分への影響 短 報 Brief Reports No.30-4**** Kazuko ONO, Tsuyoshi YOSHIMURA & Kazuhiko KINJO:Decay properties of Termitomyces eurrhizus on Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) モウソウチク材に対するオオシロアリタケの腐朽特性 研究資料 Research Materials No.30-5** 岩松文代:日本語の視点からみた竹笹概念(その2) 万葉集の「たけ」「しの」「ささ」概念 Fumiyo IWAMATSU:Consepts of bamboo and bamboo grass from the perspective of Japanese language (Part 2) Concerning use of the words "take,"shino", and "sasa" in Man'yoshu- No.30-6** 佐藤広行:2年連続開花したミヤコザサの開花稈の観察 Observation on two consecutive years flowering culms of Sasa nipponica No.30-7*** Masatoshi WATANABE:The mode of recovering process after flowering and death of Phyllostachys nigra var. Henonis 第10回世界竹会議研究報告 10th WBC Reports No.30-8*** Dar-Hsiung WANG & Tsai-Huei CHEN:Bamboo resources and carbon storage in Taiwan No.30-9*** Carmelita B. BERSALONA:Bamboo leaves as chicken feed and fodder No.30-10*** Nirmala C & M.S.BISHT:Bamboo: A prospective ingredient for functional food and nutraceuticals |