Befor 25 years died Eva KOSTOLANYIOVA, greatest Slovak popular singer.
Eva KOSTOLANYIOVA は、25年前になくなりました。
Eva KOSTOLANYIOVA はスロバキアの有名な歌手です。
Eva born into needy Slovak catholik labour family with many children,
during war. Her mother was very ill and could not much labour.
Father died at the age of just 49 year (cordial trouble). Thus Eva could not
study and therefore she labour by age 14 years. She was very talented. She
accomplish competition into prestige folklore group SLUK, where she dance 5
year. Afterward she dance another in group (VUS) in Bratislava, where item
she sing. Then she accomplish competition do grand Slovak revue cabaret
TATRA-REVUE, where she prepare to opening (premiere). But at last she was
only as "alternant" actor - in bolshevismus were decide another criteria,
than quality...
Eva は第二次世界大戦のさなかに、子だくさんの貧しいスロバキアのカソリッ
死亡(心身症)。Eva は学校にいくことができず、14歳から働いた。とても才
能豊かだった。有名な民族舞踊グループ SLUK へのコンテストに合格し、そこ
で5年間踊った。その後 Bratislava にある VUS という別の団体でも踊った。
Consequently she leave TATRA-REVUE and begin as singer in LUBO BELAK band,
and afterward in orchester BRANO HRONEC. Because they were perfect, they
were too accepting in west Europa, as one of few from "east- block". They
act in Swiss, Germany and Sweden. Her popularity grow, but in year 1970 be
taken bad with cancer...
それで、彼女はTATRA-REVUE を離れ、LUBO BELAK バンドで歌手として歌いは
じめ、その後、BRANO HRONEC オーケストラに入団した。彼らは"西の制裁"の
ドイツやスェーデンで活動した。彼女は有名になったが、1970 年癌に倒れた。
She come back in Slovakia. She remain just a few year, that she works like
anything. She sing at the concerts, recording LP, take part a lot of song
contest, create his own music band, recording in TV...
She record only in time 2 year 1972-1973 above 60 songs in recording
studios! Eva is most popularity Slovak singer. But during bolshevismus, is
this job miserable paid. She live in catastophic conditions, her health
worsen and she don't have good medicaments. She go to several operations.
働いた。彼女はコンサートで歌い、LP を録音し、コンサートでたくさんの歌
を歌い、バンドを結成し、TV の収録も行った。彼女は 1972-1973 の2年間で
録音しただけですが、スタジオで60を越える歌を録音している。Eva はスロ
But at last, in 3.Oktober 1975, Eva died.
しかし、1975年10月3日、Eva は亡くなりました。
She record during little 7 year more as 140 songs. She has a few awarded
from song contest and she record more times for TV. Her song play up to this
day and these can too young people.
をもらったこともあり、TV の収録も行っています。彼女の歌は今日も若い人
Eva KOSTOLANYIOVAを記念するページはこちらです。
At: is least a small memoir...
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