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My Profile

Japanese English

.Personal Data

Sex : Male
Real-Address : Osaka Japan
Birth : June 1973
Height : 172cm(5ft7in) , Weight : 63kg , Foot size : 26.5cm , Sight : Short (@_@) ,
Dental status : I have been cavity free for a long time since my permanent teeth were replaced, but in 2021 a cavity was discovered.
Blood Type : A(Rh+)
Occupation : A local government servant



.The Origin of "Kuririn"

Kuririn (c) since 1985

"Kuririn" is my nickname which is also used as my account name. "Kuri" means chestnut in Japanese. "Rin" is another way by which my real name is pronounced.

So my mascot character is born from a chestnut. The figure on left is my mascot "Kuririn". I animated him when I was twelve years old. Since then, I use him in a-happy-new-year greeting cards and signature of my e-mails.


.My favorites and dis-favorites


Running ,Astronomy (especially just looking at starlight), Ramen ,Milk Tea (I like tea better than coffee.) , Spa , Fright Simulators (especially the thrill of touchdown) , TV commercial of Suntory, Nisshin Foods and Tokyo Gus , TV program 'Tokoro-san no Mega Ten' , 'Sekai Fushigi Hakken' and 'Bura Tamori' , Politically ; Liberal (may be), Ecological things


Japanese pro. baseball team Tokyo Yomiuri Giants, Japanese Political Party; Liberal Democratic Party and The Democratic Party , Biased mass communications , Specific Asia two countries , Hydrogen water , Bureaucrats those who think themselves of the elite in wrong way , People (especially cults) those who is so fanatical that hurt other people , Application software of a certain company which behave high-handedly , TV commercials of Coca Cola, P&G and McDonald , Smoking , Bull-bars of cars (I think they are no need in Japan.) And there is no foods I hate.

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