easy equel manual of Ingres


  1. コンパイル手順

    1. % equel foo.q
    2. % gcc -o foo foo.c -lq

  2. データベースへのコネクト

    ## char *dbname;
       dbname = "データベース名";
    ## ingres dbname
  3. データベースのディスコネクト

    ## exit
  4. 検索

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
     create sample (
       code = i4,
       name = c255
    --------------------------------------------------------------- */
    ## int  code, codelow, codehigh;
    ## char name[20];
    ## condition[256];
    /* 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
    ## retrieve (name = table.#name) where table.#code = code
    /* 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
    ## retrieve (name = table.#name)
    ## where table.#code => codelow and table.#code <= codehigh
    ## {
    ## }
    /* 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
       sprintf(condition, "table.code = %d", 1234);
    ## retrieve (name = table.#name) where contition
  5. 置換

    ## replace table (#name = name) where table.#code = code
  6. 挿入
    ## append table (#code = code , #name = name)
  7. 削除
    ## delete table where table.#code = code
  8. その他
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