Egg Art Mrs. Kyoko KITAMURA

eggbro5.gif (20532 バイト)"Broaches of Egg Art"

eggbro2.gif (22791 バイト)"Broaches of Egg Art"
These broaches were made with Moyou PASTE with adhesive.
Moyou PASTE has five colors and becomes for jewels very much.

egg_kotori2.gif (23957 バイト)"The Jewelry Box"
This jewelry box was made with a ostrich egg.
Gold PASTE  without adhesive and PASTE 100
was used for decoration.

egg_kotori4.gif (23831 バイト)This Jewelry box has three doors and opened like this.
This is very newly creation of her works.
Don't you think it makes us feel very beautiful Japanese Spring?

     There is Mrs. Kyoko KITAMURA's studio at the central area of Osaka.
The wall of her studio is full of her creation everytime.
     November at last year, she opened the exhibition of her and her students creations.
It was very prosperously and great succeeded.
She said "It is very pity thing if customers were so little.
So, I make our exhibition for the party everytime!"
Many side tables were filled with their creation, and the most important main table was
filled with many wines, beers or some drinks and cheese, crackers or something.
That feeling made me to want asking "Is here a saloon bar or something?"
     "Please congratulate with us!
Don't you have more customers that you must go round of ?
Already I know, you can drink so much!"
She is so very delightful and lovely personality.


410 "Urban life"  Honmachi 4-3-8
Kitakuhouji-Cyo Chuou-Ku
Osaka 541-0057 Japan

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