Decorative Painting Mrs. Kumiko TAKAHASHI

popuri_ire.gif (20192 ?o?C?g)" The Pomander"
Gold PASTE with adhesive was used at top and bottom area.
PASTE with adhesive can be pasted for uneven surface.

bookstand.gif (14791 ?o?C?g)"The Book Stand"
It was used Ibushi PASTE with adhesive for edge of this book stand.
Ibushi color is fit for chic atmosphere.

kazaridana.gif (22661 ?o?C?g)"The Shelf"
kazaridana_slv.gif (23780 ?o?C?g)The left one was made with Gold PASTE with adhesive, and
right one was made with Silver PATE with adhesive.
She made them changing materials "gold and silver" to fit
them colors or design.
It is very pity that difficult to understand that's deferent feeling
at pictures.

mokusei_bag.gif (22034 ?o?C?g)"The Wooden Bag"
Can you see Sunago PASTE Green was pasted at golden edge?

penstand.gif (23592 ?o?C?g)"The Pen Stand"
Gold PASTE with adhesive was used very beautiful.
It fits for Yellow flowers on black background.

     Her studio is on Amagasaki.
Many her lovely and pretty craft works are decorated at walls, shelves and everywhere.
My big surprise was Decorative Painting is paint for all sorts.
It is not only wooden crafts but plastics and ceramics or something.
And their design has more many varieties.
One day she has her list watch that painted many little flowers.
     Everytime her class is full with joyful talking of her students.
When I visited her studio, always I spent long time carefree.
She is also very pleasant and taught me about Decorative Painting joyously.
     "I was really fed up with gilding for long time.
It needs many tools, and too much carefully.
Sometime I pasted it handled with putting on baby powder for my hands
But now it is very easy techniques with PASTE.
I teach Gilding with PASTE at my class."


Second Floor 5-15-27 Mukonosou
Amagasaki-Shi Hyogo-Ken
661-0035 Japan

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