How to use?
PASTE with adhesive.

For glasses decoration.

アロマポット1.gif (23187 バイト)Please prepare scissors or cutters, pencils or pens for a rough copy
and Gold or Silver PASTE with adhesive.
If you had a masking tapes, you can paste very small peaches of PASTE.

アロマポット2.gif (20617 バイト)Please draw your design on the PASTE sheet.
You can use a carbon paper, pencils and anything for a rough copy.

アロマポット3.gif (20104 バイト)Please cut the PASTE sheet in the shape as you like.

アロマポット5.gif (23837 バイト)Please remove the base paper.
If you wanted pasting a small peace of PASTE,
please paste a masking tape on the top courting paper
and after remove the base paper.

アロマポット6.gif (21264 バイト)Put the PASTE on the surface of the object.
If you used a masking tape, please paste with a masking tape.
A masking tape is good for paper creation.
If you used scotch tape at this time,
sometimes paper creation  would be broken.

アロマポット7.gif (21134 バイト)Rub the top courting surface of PASTE gently with a finger.
If you used a masking tape, you can remove the top courting paper
easier with a masking tape.

アロマポット8.gif (21164 バイト)You can paste for paper crafts, wooden crafts, accessories,
plastics ,metal objects or something.
PASTE was courted thinly already,
but you can court with PASTE 200, varnish or something.
If you pasted for hard rubbing creation, please court it.

[To The Introduce Our PASTE Page]