How to use?
PASTE without adhesive.

For greeting cards or drawing letters.

絵手紙1.gif (14815 バイト)Please prepare pencils or color pencils, pens or something to write.
And water colors, aquatic colors and water and writing brush, color palette for drawing
And PASTE without adhesive and PASTE 100.

絵手紙2.gif (18328 バイト)After drawing, please take some PASTE 100 for palette.
If PASTE 100 was hard to paste with a writing brush,
you could dissolve in water, water colors or aquatic colors.
But take care too much dissolving.

絵手紙3.gif (16676 バイト)Please spread PASTE 100 with a brush,
and wait for drying out that PASTE 100 becomes clear color.
But please wash used brush quickly.
Of course you can use some another adhesive.

絵手紙4.gif (20445 バイト)If PASTE 100 would dry out, reverse PASTE sheet and place it softly on the object.
Rub the PASTE sheet gently with a finger or a sponge.
Adhesive power of PASTE 100 reminds for semipermanent.
You can paste never taking care for drying out.

絵手紙5.gif (20206 バイト)Please peel the base paper after pasting you want.
You can use PASTE sheet be lost perfect.

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