

★野生鹿が宙を跳ぶ!(Wild deer jump in the air!)

  ( Wild deer playing in the riverbed grassland of the Takano River, Kyoto. Sep4,2020. 18:36) 

★仔鹿の滝登り 挑戦篇(Undeterred by six failures: fawn step waterfall climbing.)

  (Other deer succeed in jumping one after another)   

★仔鹿の滝登り 成功篇 (Fawn's steps up the waterfall: Finally succeeded after 6 attempts!)

  ( A herd of wild deer crossing a river in single file. Takano River, Kyoto, Sep.11,2021)

★仔鹿4頭 跳ねる! (Four fawns jumping! )

  (A rare sight of four fawns appearing at the same time on the banks of the Takano River.)

★高野川の野生鹿十三態(Wild Deer of Takano River: 13 phases)

  (I have selected 13 photographs of wild deer that appear in the Takano River, capturing their various appearances and expressions.)

★白鷺十態(Ten figures of white herons) 

  (I chose some photos that captured the beautiful egrets or white herons, who live in the Takano River.)

★高野川の川鵜の漁(Cormorant fishing on the Takano River)

  (Selected from photographs of river cormorants inhabiting the Takano River, fishing and flying on the river surface.)

★高野川のセグロセキレイ十三態(13 phases of Japanese Wagtail of Takano River)

  ( A collection of photographs of Japanese wagtails, the most frequent and friendly bird we see while walking along the promenade along the Takano River.)

★高野川の鴨(Ducks inhabiting the Takano River)

(The Takano River also joins the Kamo River at Demachi to form the Kamo River, and then joins the Shirakawa, Katsura, Uji, and Kizu Rivers to form the Yodo River, which flows all the way to Osaka Bay.That's why "Takanogawa duck"(the duck of Takano River) is also "Kamogawa duck"(the duck of Kamo River, that means "the duck of Duck River").

★高野川のユリカモメ(Black-headed gull  inhabiting the Takano River)

   (The black-headed gulls that used to fly to the Takano River every winter have disappeared in recent years. I am very disappointed because the sight of dancing black-headed gulls was a winter tradition in Kyoto.)

★高野川のカワセミ (Common Kingfisher  inhabiting the Takano River )

   (Kingfishers are rare birds.It's the only time I've seen a kingfisher in the Takano River in half a century.Unfortunately, )

★高野川のムクドリ (tarling inhabiting the Takano River )

    ・前に紹介したセグロセキレイと同様、ムクドリも非常に人懐こい鳥です。(Like the Japanese wagtail introduced earlier, the starling is also a very friendly bird. ) 

★高野川のカラス 〜 カラスの行水 (Crow inhabiting the Takano River 〜 crow water )

    ・ときどきカラスが高野川の水にはいっていって、翼をばたばたさせて水しぶきをあげ、いわゆる「カラスの行水」をしている様子が目撃されます。(Occasionally, crows can be seen entering the water of the Takano River, flapping their wings and splashing water, doing what is known as the "crow's water".) 

★高野川のヌートリア (Nutria inhabiting the Takano River )

    ・ヌートリアは足に水かきがついているそうで、泳ぎはたしかにうまいみたい。(Nutria are said to have webbed feet and are good swimmers.) 

★高野川の亀  ( Turtle inhabiting the Takano River )

    ・この亀さんは毎日同じ石の上で日向ぼっこをしていました。(This turtle was basking in the sun on the same stone every day.)

★高野川の蛇 (Serpent of the Takano River )

    ・川沿いの遊歩道をゆうゆうと横切る蛇(A snake crossing the promenade along the river)

★高野川の鯉 (Carp inhabiting the Takano River )

    ・高野川ではときにぎょっとするほど大きな鯉が泳いでいるのをみかけることがあります。(Occasionally, you may see a surprisingly large carp swimming in the Takano River.)

★下鴨疎水のホタル(Fireflies of Shimogamo Canal near the Takano River.)

    ・10年ほど前には高野川の川床の草地にも無数のホタルが舞っていました。(There used to be a lot of fireflies flying around the Takano River.)

★高野川のツバメ(Swallows who make the Takano River an insect hunting ground.)

   ・高野川を虫狩り場にするつばめ(Swallow who makes the Takan River an insect hunting ground.)

★高野川のこおろぎ(Cricket of Takano River)

   ・高野橋のすぐ近くの川沿いの遊歩道で見つけたコオロギ(A cricket found on the promenade along the river near Takano Bridge)

★鹿3頭 今年初お目見え〜京都・高野川 2023-6-3(Three deer first appearance this year 〜 Takano River,Kyoto 2023-6-3)

   ・今年(令和5年 2023)はじめて高野川で鹿を見ました(I saw deer in Takano River for the first time this year!)

★今春生まれのバンビです!〜高野川 2023-6-7(Fawn born this spring, first appearance this year-Takanogawa 2023-6-7)

    ・今春生まれの仔鹿にきょう初めてお目にかかりました。( I saw a spring-born fawn for the first time today.)

★野生鹿の駆けっこ動画(Race of wild deer at Takano River on September 4, 2020)[short movie] ★2組の母鹿仔鹿〜高野川の野生鹿 2023.6.10(Two sets of mother and child - wild deer of the Takano River 2023.6.10)

★2頭の仔鹿〜高野川 2023-6-13(Two fawns - Takano River 2023-6-13)

   ・仔鹿のうちの1頭は、なんだかうれしくてたまらないかのように、ひとりで周囲を駆け回っていました。(One of the fawns was running around alone, seemingly overjoyed.)

★きょうは若い牡鹿と牝鹿が一頭ずつ現れた〜高野川 2023-6-17(A young stag and a doe appeared today 〜Takanogawa 2023-6-17)

★今日目撃した鹿は3頭〜高野川 2023-6-18(I saw 3 deer at Takanogawa today.〜2023-6-18)

  ・うち2頭が写真の鹿。もう1頭、ちらっと草むらから姿をみせて、すぐに隠れたのでよく確認できませんでした。(Two of them are deer in the photo. Another one appeared from the grass for a short time and hid immediately, so I could not see it well.)

★きょうの仔鹿 〜 高野川 2023-6-23(Today's Fawn - Takano River,Kyoto) 〜 川を渡る仔鹿@ (fawn crossing the river)

★仔鹿4頭が現われる @ 〜 高野川2023-6-24 (Four fawns appear 〜 Takanogawa)

★仔鹿4頭が現われる H(movie) 〜 高野川2023-6-24(Four fawns appear 〜 Takanogawa)

★仔鹿4頭が現われる G(movie) 〜 高野川2023-6-24(Four fawns appear 〜 Takanogawa)
