The Magic SAKE Bottle
(April 17, 1997)

It was said that
the only way to call out a Magical Fairy who can grant one's petition
is tapping on this Magic SAKE Bottle 3 times...
It was said...


To my pleasure, my web site has expanded from this week.
So, I made a 'BACK NUMBER PARADISE!!', and introduce again 2 articles that I had written last year, before 'UkiUki TRUE? LIES! JOURNAL' got weekly.
'HOUSE of FORTUNE-TELLING' and a report on a mysterious monster 'OTHERS'.

Introducing them again, I revised a report on 'OTHERS' because I found lots of spelling errors and awful mistakes in grammar.

Even in my mother language, Japanese, I sometimes write articles that make me feel awful and terrible when I read them afterward.
I should be much more careful in writing.


To ask a Magical Fairy that I would never make terrible mistakes in writing, I tapped 3 times on the bottle.
The bottle was broken in pieces, and a Magical Fairy didn't appear...

Back Number Paradise!!

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