UkiUki Essay
Summer is a Horror Season!
(July 23, 1998)

Key Word

Summer and Horror

Summer of Japan is a season of horror story.

People like to hear horror and ghost stories to rise up their body temperature.
It is known that a fear rises a body temperature, and if a body temperature rises, one feels an air temperature cooler than before.

This is a low-cost and no-pollution way of air conditioning.

This week, I at last read a book written by Ivan Hall.
The title was 'CARTELS OF THE MIND ~ Japan's Intellectual Closed Shop'.

With abundant examples, it shows how unfair and mean and exclusive Japanese intellectuals are.
It denounces Jananese Bar Association, newspaper publishing companies, TV stations, universities, ministry of educatin, and journalism, etc.
It was a fearful experience to read this book, because lots of fearful behaviors and explanations of Japanese intellectuals are descript in the book.
It made me feel an air temperature cooler than before.

I give full support to Hall's denunciation.

After reading that, I also read books written about Japanese-Brazilians' society in Brazil.
The history of the society shows that Japanese are not exclusive essentially and today's exclusivism is not a genetic factor.
Only Japanese today's style of life and culture make Japanese exclusive.
I hope Japanese will overcome exclusivism near future.

Back Number Paradise!!

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