The vast Park of Imperial Palace in the center of Kyoto City is a place of recreation and relaxation for us, Kyoto citizens.
There are lots of trees that give us a fresh air.
There are also lots of places where we can enjoy silence even in the center of the noisy city.
Since last year when I saw U. S. Military Bases in Okinawa, the Park of Imperial Palace is no longer a vast place for me...
'U. S. servicepersons can enjoy recreation and relaxation in those extensive sites!?'
The immense sites of U. S. Military Bases make me feel the park tiny.
What a pity!
Key Word
People, Whales, and Okinawa
IT can hear screams of whales,
Yes, IT is U. S. A.
Then, which is the Worst?
but cannot hear screams of people
who live in Okinawa and Island Countries that will go under sea because of the greenhouse effect.
Japan is differ from IT.
Japan never hears screams of others,
hears only wills of U. S. government and Japanese moneys.
How consistently Japan is!
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