FROM the Editor

Hi, I'm Taroh Ukiyoye publishing "UkiUki TRUE? LIES! JOURNAL."

As a Japanese living in Samurai Country, I'd like to express my gratitude.

At first, I thank everyone who has contributed to progress of INTERNET and W.W.W.
Without this world wide network available in personal use, this journal could not be issued.

At second, I thank hard workers who are exposed to radiation in and around nuclear power plants. Without their devotion and luck, todays Kyoto could have been a ghost town already in consequence of nuclear accidents. If so, I couldn't issue this journal about Kyoto with fresh photographs.

At third, I thank people of Okinawa and Sasebo and so on who bears a painful position to live close to beasts who harm a private citizen and contaminate their land. If they have turned beasts out to Kyoto, I should issue lots of remarks on beasts instead of fantastic folk stories.

At last, I thank for cruel Japanese government and Diet members who abandon Hanshin-earthquake refugees, and for junior high school students who bully their classmates and extort money from them until they suicide, also thank for their classmates who sit by and watch their classmates being killed by their classmates.
The desolate future of Japan they indicate made me look abroad and start studying foreign languages. This made an inordinate plan to translate 'UkiUki TRUE? LIES! JOURNAL' into English possible.

By the way, I live in Kyoto now.
Kyoto is really a wonderful city. Having been a capital of Japan for about 1100 years, almost everywhere of the city has a anecdote of its own. Romance, heroic story, ghost story, comedy, tragedy, and so on. Though the outlook of town is changing day by day, the anecdotes never die. The past living in today, today living with the past, that is Kyoto.
'UkiUki TRUE? LIES! JOURNAL' introduce elegant spots and modern fantastic folktales of Kyoto . I hope you enjoy it.
At last, I have to say one more thing.

'It's gauche to ask me whether reports appeared in this journal are true or not!'

May 1996, Taroh Ukiyoye (Revised in July 1997)

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