UkiUki Short Novel
Clone of Yakuza
by Ukiyoye Taroh (March 6, 1997)

Danzaburo Kumeshima (A fictitious name, 53 years old.) is a boss of one of the Yakuza families in Kyoto.

Tired of being aimed at by enemy Yakuzas every day and night, Danzaburo decided in 1995 to employ someone who looked like him as his 'kage-musha', that is, his double.

After a year of looking for a appropriate person, Danzaburo was very disappointed at a result and was almost giving up the idea. But one news from abroad gave him a new hope.
'Clone! A clone can be the best kage-musha!'

With an abundant dirty money earned from illicit dealings of narcotic and guns, and also with professional skills of menace peculiar to Yakuza, he forced a biotechnological research organization to make his clone.

10 months later, his clone was born and named 'Danzaburo-dash'.

But when Danzaburo looked at his clone for the first time, he was shocked because Danzaburo-dash was nothing but a baby. (Although it's quite natural, Danzaburo did not know that.)
'How can a baby be my kage-musha!!'

Danzaburo was enraged and aimed his gun at engineers in charge. At that moment, Danzaburo-dash began to cry. Thinking it was not good for Danzaburo-dash to kill them, he stopped pulling the trigger.
'Danzaburo-dash. I wanna give you non-yakuza life, peaceful life. Don't wanna you to spend life of crime like me...'

Now Danzaburo-dash is brought up by Danzaburo's non-yakuza relative. Whenever Danzaburo invites Baby Danzaburo-dash to his house and takes care of the baby, he imagines how depth his parents' love to him was, and mutters.
'Was I also such a difficult baby?'


Human Cloning, O.K. or NOT?

Do you have a reason to oppose human cloning?

Though I'm not a scientist, I'll try to think now.

A word 'clone' reminds me of 'Clone War' in 'STAR WARS SAGA'.
Although it is not described in the movies yet, from some related novels I guess that the Clone War is a battle in which Jedi Knights were defeated by their evil clones. Imperial Storm Troopers are clone, too. (But, when I read a pamphlet for 'STAR WARS, Special Edition' in June 17, 1997, the former conjecture proved to be false... Good grief!)

So, at news of clone sheep and monkeys, I made a fresh resolve,
'OK! I should strengthen my power of the force so as not to be defeated by the dark forces!'

Is it logically?
Of course not!

To think logically, clones are not necessarily evil. Whether clone or not, personality development is greatly influenced by environment and human relationships. We could meet a Clone of Goodness logically.

Now, it seems as if I have no reason to oppose human cloning.

I try to think what would happen if there is a clone of me.
It would be a great mental nuisance to me, I guess. The clone would destroy calm of my mind because I'm not a man of personality and not so confident of myself as Danzaburo. Perhaps I would start foolish and meaningless competitions against my clone in every phase of life.
Whether I win or lose in the competitions, I wouldn't be happy and wouldn't be satisfied. When I win, I would get irritated at my clone's failure. When I lose, I would get irritated at my own failure and would have a sense of inferiority.
How poor I would be!

I think this can be a enough reason to oppose human cloning.
Don't you think so?

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