Who am I?
- Yutaka Maekawa is office clerk at The Japanese Circulation Society.
- Articles:
- "The Meaning of [sozein] in the Fourth Gospel" : Summary of Master's Degree Thesis (Doshisha University, 1996)
- "The literary meaning of the 'water' in the Gospel of John," Kirisutokyo Kenkyu (Doshisha University, Faculty of Theology) vol.58 (1997), no.2.
- "Jesus looking back in the Gospel of Luke," Kirisutokyo Kenkyu (Doshisha University, Faculty of Theology) vol.59 (1997), no.1.
- "[Barbaroi] in the Acts," Kirisutokyo Kenkyu (Doshisha University, Faculty of Theology) vol.60 (1998), no.1.
- I was born on 18th Aug., 1970 in Mie prefecture, in Central Japan.
- On 1993, I graduated Kyoto University, Faculty of Literature as Bachelor of Arts in Occidental History. Major was Ancient Russian History.
- On 1996, I got the degree of Master of Theology in New Testament Studies from Doshisha University.
**From 9.98-5.99, I am staying in Helsinki University, Faculty of Theolgy, in Finland.

Selfportrait and my finnsh friend, Aleksi. At the Senate Square in Helsinki, 9.98
- My hobby is Music, esp. Choral Music. Now I sometimes conduct a few chorus groups in Kyoto city and Osaka city.
** I was singing in Helsinki University Chorus(YL)andSouthern-Finland Studentunion Chorus(EOL).

Selfportrait with Moominpeikko :-) At Helsinki,11.98
- All the Illustrations of my pages are my original ones. :-) Do you prefer them?
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All rights reserved. Copyright by Yutaka Maekawa, 1998.

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