Vol. 101  No. January  2008

Thyroplasty Type III for Treatment of Voice 
Problem in GID of Female-to-Male Type

Tsuyoshi Kojima and Kazuhiko Shoji
(Tenri Hospital)

Nobuhiko Isshiki
(Isshiki Clinic)

Kazuhiro Nakamura
(Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center)

  We report a case of GID (gender identity disorder) of the female-to-male type, where her vocal pitch was lowered to her satisfaction by Thyroplasty type 3. The distress of GID patients derives from the contradiction between their sexual physical features and gender self-consciousness. As to the levels of distress and the means patients select to resolve the problems they face, individual variations are great. The present patient did not want either transsexual surgery or hormonal treatment, but merely her vocal pitch lowered. Thyroplasty type 3 successfully lowered her vocal pitch as desired without any complication. Surgical details and key points were described.

Key words :thyroplasty, GID (gender identity disorder), female-to-male

第101巻1号 目次   Vol.101 No.1 contents