Vol. 102  No. April  2009

Radiation-induced Osteosarcoma of the Jaw Treated with Skull 
Base Surgery

Misaki Yamamoto, Ryo Asato, Hiroko Torii, Tomoko Kanda, 
Yoshihiro Tamura, Shigeru Hirano and Juichi Ito
(Kyoto University)

Shinzou Tanaka
(Osaka Red Cross Hospital)

Head and neck osteosarcomas are rare. A 33-year-old woman received radiation therapy for lymphoepithelioma of the epipharynx in her childhood. After twenty-two years, she presented with a swelling of the right cheek. We did a work up, and diagnosed her radiation-induced osteosarcoma of the jaw. We treated her with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, surgery including skull base resection, and adjuvant chemotherapy. A small skin recurrence developed after one year, but it was resected under local anesthesia, and there have been no recurrences since. We think that skull base surgery with a combined approach is a usefull method in therapy for osteosarcomas in the skull base region.

Key words :osteosarcoma, jaw bone, radiation-induced carcinoma

第102巻4号 目次   Vol.102 No.4 contents