Vol. 95 No. June 2002

A Case of Idiopathic Stenosis of the Internal Auditory Canal

Junko Sato, Junko Takahata, Reiko Kuroda, Atsushi Nanba, 
Atsushi Matsubara and Hideichi Shinkawa                             
(Hirosaki University)

       We report a case of unilateral idiopathic stenosis of the internal auditory canal, without middle or inner ear anomalies. The patient, a 17-year-old female, presented with right deafness. High resolution computed tomography of the temporal bone showed stenosis of the right internal auditory canal. ABR stimulated from the right ear showed no response and bilateral DPOAE levels were within normal limits. These results implied that the outer hair cell function was well preserved, although damage to the inner hair cells and/or cochlea nerve was severe. It seems that evaluation by both ABR and OAE is necessary to determine the cause of hearing loss due to idiopathic stenosis of the internal auditory canal.

Key words : stenosis of the internal auditory canal, ABR, OAE


第95巻6号 目次   Vol.95 No.6 contents