Vol. 95 No. June 2002

Brain Abscess Secondary to Acute Suppurative Parotitis; 
A Case Report

Kuniyuki Takahashi and Masaru Kawasaki
(Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital)

       Otogenic and rhinogenic intracranial complications have been reported, but it is very rare that intracranial complications from acute suppurative parotitis develop. We report a case of a brain abscess secondary to acute suppurative parotitis. A 71-year-old female who had been taking predonisolone for rheumatoid arthritis developed right preauricular pain and a disturbance in mouth opening. She was referred to our hospital. She was diagnosed as having acute suppurative parotitis and given antibiotics, but she developed headache and high fever after one week. A right parotid abscess was detected by CT. We quickly conducted a drainage operation and administered an intravenous injection of antibiotics. The parotid abscess was curative about three weeks after drainage, but CT revealed a brain abscess in the right temporal lobe. She was referred to a neurosurgeon and treated conservatively.
       The brain abscess disappeared and she was discharged three month after the drainage operation.

Key words : acute suppurative parotitis, brain abscess, conservative therapy


第95巻6号 目次   Vol.95 No.6 contents