Vol. 95 No. 12  December 2002

Pedunculated Tonsil of the Eustachian Tube

Nobuhiro Konno, Kohji Asakura and Atsushi Taira
(Muroran City Hospital)

Tetsuo Himi
(Sapporo Medical University)

       I report a 42-year-old female with a pendunculated tonsil. A pedunculated tonsil usually arises from the palatine tonsil, rarely from epipharyngeal tissue. The tumor-like mass in this patient had originated from the juxta-orifice of the left eustachian tube. After surgical resection, histological examination revealed that it was composed of atrophic lymphoid follicles and was covered by a squamous epithelium with an underlying rim of fibrous tissue, without evidence of malignancy.

Key words : pedunculated tonsil, eustachian tube


第95巻12号 目次   Vol.95 No.12 contents