Vol. 95 No. 12  December 2002

A Case of Multiple Schwannomas

Tsunehisa Ohno
(Otsu Red Cross Hospital)

Mitsuharu Nonomura and Tatsuo Kikugawa
(Sizuoka City Hospital)

       We report a case of multiple schwannomas. A 51-year-old male complained of swelling in the regions of the right neck and the left poll. Preoperative MRI examination demonstrated two tumors in the regions of the right neck and the left poll, and a tumor at the left root of the tongue. We performed a modified method of intracapsular enucleation for the cervical tumors, and excised the tumor at the left root of the tongue. Histopathological diagnosis of all specimens was schwannoma. Postoperative palsy has not developed after surgery.

Key words : multiple schwannomas, intracapsular enucleation


第95巻12号 目次   Vol.95 No.12 contents