Vol. 96   No.9   September 2003

Rapid Prototyping of Temporal Bone for Surgical Training

Mamoru Suzuki, Yasuo Ogawa and Atsushi Kawano
(Tokyo Medical University)

Satoshi Horiguchi
(Kitasato University)

Hiroya Yamaguchi
(Tokyo Senbai Hospital)

Hidenori Ono
(ONO & CO. LTD.)

Hiroyuki Morizono
(Tokyo Medical University)

      The skills need for ear surgery are best developed by dissecting a temporal bone. However, only a limited number of trainees can be afforded this opportunity because of a scarcity of available bones. A simulated model potentially serves as optimum material for training. A simulated 3-dimensional model of human temporal bone was prototyped using a selective laser sintering method. The powder layers were laser-fused based on detailed CT data and accumulated to create a 3-D structure. Conventional surgical instruments and microscope were used to investigate the validity of this model as a training material. The model was as hard as a real bone and well reproduced surface structures. The model could be shaved using a surgical drill, bur and suction irrigater in the same way as that during actual surgery. The malleus and incus were reproduced. The semicircular canals, oval and round window niches were identified. Cavity structures, such as semicircular canal, vestibule, antrum and air cells were filled with the powder material that had to be removed using a pick and suction irrigater during dissection. The 3-D prototyped model using selective laser sintering serves as good training material for middle ear surgery.

Key words : rapid prototyping, temporal bone, model, surgical training


第96巻9号 目次   Vol.96 No.9 contents