Vol. 96   No.9   September 2003

A Case of Kawasaki Disease with Retropharyngeal Cellulitis

Ichiro Ando, Fuyuki Enomoto, Eiko Nakazawa, 
Ryuutaku Kimu and Takeshi Kataoka                 
(Juntendo-University Urayasu Hospital)

      We reported a case of 3-year-old girl initially suspected of having retropharyngeal abcess by fever, pharyngeal findings and CT imaging. The confirmed diagnosis of retropharyngeal cellulitis with Kawasaki disease was made postoperatively.
      In the differential diagnosis of fever of unknown origin and pharyngitis in an infant, physicians should consider not only unsual infectious diseases but also Kawasaki disease, because the frequency of infant and toddler age 5 or less crisis in Kawasaki disease is high.
      In diagnosis and treatment of retropharyngeal disease with Kawasaki disease, the differential diagnosis between abscess and cellulitis by CT is difficult, although CT is useful for diagnosing the location and extent of retropharyngeal disease.

Key words : Kawasaki disease, retropharyngeal cellulitis, abscess, CT


第96巻9号 目次   Vol.96 No.9 contents