Vol. 97  No. 7  July 2004

Mondini Dysplasia Causing Recurrent 
Meningitis: A Case Report
Miyuki Marumo
(Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki Hospital)

Ken Ishijima
(Iwate Medical University)

Akira Takagi
(Shizuoka General Hospital)

       A 5-year-old girl with unilateral total deafness suffered from recurring meningitis. High-resolution computed tomography of the temporal bone revealed dysplasia of the bony labyrinth and enlarged fundus of the internal auditory canal (Mondini dysplasia). In the operation, anomaly of the stapes and leakage of cerebrospinal fluid were found. Intralabyrinthine obliteration with the temporal muscle fascia and auricular cartilaginous chip was performed after removal of the stapes. No sign of meningitis has occurred after the operation.

Key words : Mondini dysplasia, recurring meningitis, stapes anomaly


第97巻7号 目次   Vol.97  No.7 contents