Takao Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
bHigh Precision Glass vesselbGeneral productsbPhysical and chemical equipmentbSpirit Levelb
bHigh dimensional precision glass tube productbIndustrial engineering ceramicsb

Dioxin sampling device
The tool has cleared various such sampling environment conditions as a high place, a narrow place, etc.!! A diversity of sampling tools expands the sampling possibility.



¦For the details of each tool, click the tool name.
y‚QzSampling tube



y‚SzFilter paper holder y‚TzDust tube


y‚UzThermocouple y‚VzTeflon union


y‚WzTeflon tube
y‚XzBall joint clip y‚P‚OzGlass Carrying case for glassware case


y‚P‚PzCarrying case for accessory

