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Evolution into A High Precision Glass Vessel

Do you know the differences of bottom curvature and the inner surface irregularities of vessels are critical factors causing erroneous dissolution results1)?
They are often overlooked as a key element in the dissolution test.
However, nobody even comes close to the development of sophisticated glass vessels with uniform bottom curvature and inner surface regularity to solve the problem, owing to the technical limitation of conventional glass processing.2),3)
Takao Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. provides a solution here.

A novel integrated glass fabrication technology first brought the finest and
the most elaborate glass vessels to the world.

Evolution into A High Precision Glass Vessel
The High Precision Vessels Feature
  •  Precision on physical dimension
  •  Observations of vessel interior form
Centering of Shaft
The Effect of High Precision Vessel on Drug Dissolution Data
Interior Form of Vessel and Dissolution Test
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