Spirit level,Physical and chemical equipment,High dimensional precision,The High Precision Glass Vessel glass tube product
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 The High Precision Glass Vessel
 Dioxin sampling tool
 Industrial engineering ceramics
 Spirit level
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We manufacture the glass ware being used in the field of physics and chemistry, and have continuously been presenting them to a wide field of universities, government and municipal offices and industrial circles over about a century.
Spirit level
Physical and chemical equipment
High dimensional precision glass tube product
Float type flow meter
The High Precision Glass Vessel
Industrial engineering ceramics
For the diversified industrial circles and respective users in Keiji District, we have smoothly promoted the supply of glass devices, raw materials, measuring devices, a variety of physical and chemical equipment.
Resale Products
Since the start of physical and chemical glassware manufacture in 1902, we have continuously been tackling with various technical innovations, and have accumulated the unique know-how.
Contents of Undertaking
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