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The Effect of High Precision Vessel on Drug Dissolution Data

The variation of dissolution data can be markedly decreased by utilizing the high precision vessel.

Our data demonstrate that the range of variability in Prednisone tablet dissolution results obtained from the high precision vessel of Takao was not more than half of that obtained from vessels produced by conventional glass processing technology. [Table II]
Mean dissolution data obtained from conventional vessel vary considerably from position to position in dissolution apparatus. [Fig.2]
The range of minimum to maximum mean dissolution data in the high precision vessel was one third of that in conventional glass vessel. A similar result was presented by a Japanese pharmaceutical company at the 124th Annual Meeting of The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan on March 30, 2004, in Osaka.4) It was pointed out in the report that the inside bottom shapes of the vessels produced by conventional glass processing were not uniform hemispheres, resulting in much larger variation of dissolution data than those of the vessels with uniform hemisphere bottom like high precision vessel of Takao.

* Click to enlarge
* Click to enlarge
Evolution into A High Precision Glass Vessel
The High Precision Vessels Feature
  •  Precision on physical dimension
  •  Observations of vessel interior form
Centering of Shaft
The Effect of High Precision Vessel on Drug Dissolution Data
Interior Form of Vessel and Dissolution Test
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