(January 30, 1997)

On January 22, 1997. Kyoto City was covered with unusual heavy snow and was attacked by Mysterious Penguin.

At first the Penguin appeared from over snowy Mt. Daimonji-yama and astonished all the people who watched its 'CHOH'(A Japanese word means 'Super.') Gigantic Body.

Looking up Gigantic Penguin from Imperial Palace.
Snowy Mt. Daimonji-yama is seen in front of it.

After looking down all over the city for a while, its gigantic body got smaller and smaller rapidly and at last went out of all the watchers' sights.

Soon after, 2 meters tall 'BIG Penguin' appeared in the city. It looked the same as that 'Gigantic Penguin' except its height. The Big Penguin ran through freely the city with its footsteps echoing to next cities, and slapped more than 100 people 3 times for an each on their cheeks.

Big Penguin readies for attacking two people over there.

The police investigated to find that all the victims of the Big Penguin had one thing in common. In the morning of January 22 when it was quite evident that garbage trucks couldn't run for work because of heavy snow, the victims threw away their household wastes! How shameless!!
Now Association for Manners and Etiquette, a non-governmental organization, is willing to send a letter of thanks to the Penguin, and wants information about the Penguin's address.

The Key of "Manners and Etiquette" is Imagination!
The Key of "Manners and Etiquette' is not knowledge.
But Imagination,
Imagination for situation and others.
Only this is the Key to 'Manners and Etiquette' that can bring you to a wonderful future.

Back to Mysterious MONSTER named 'OTHERS'
Back to Mt. Daimonji-yama

Back Number Paradise!!

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