Supporters Network for Community Development "Machizukuri"
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27)Shin-Nagata station North District

Mitsuhiro Kubo, Kubo Urban Planning Office

K-33, K-35, K-37, K-46

画像s188a 画像s188b 画像s188c 画像s188d
Nagata, Meiji 18 (1885) War rihabilitation land readjustment area and earthquake disaster area Resoration of life to regain life of personal level Construction of city new development of industry and life

1) Nagata was an area with a rectangular lot system

 The land readjustment project to the north of Shin-Nagata station (42.6ha) is the largest of the earthquake disaster areas. Its project plan was decided on July 9, Heisei 8. A Machizukuri organization was set up in every town in this district. Each of the organizations has been doing characteristic machizukuri activity and developing machizukuri plan. They set up the "Machizukuri joint organization for north district of Shin-Nagata station", to allow cooperation between the machizukuri organizations.
 Though readjustment of arable land had been done in this district, it was not a war rehabilitation land readjustment area as there were relatively few houses burnt down by war damage. As a result, there were many old wooden houses in the area, and there was considerable earthquake damage. The area was designated for land readjustment after the earthquake.
 100 square meter blocks became a basic unit for each community, an area where people helped each other after the earthquake, and machizukuri organization resulted. Many neighborhood organizations were set up, giving opportunities for residents to participate in close-at-home machizukuri. They are trying a new development by technical skills of land readjustment project as a tool of reconstruction for machizukuri.

2) Restoration of life and construction of city

 Reconstruction machizukuri must address both urgent "restoration of life" issues and "construction of city" for the future under the condition of inner city tendency.
 "Restoration of life" : The earthquake disaster disrupted peoples' lives greatly. Nagata was many aged residents and small businesses. "Restoration of life" is difficult for both of these groups is a most urgent problem. Reconstruction machizukuri aims to help people regain their former lives including their human relationships. The important points that should be considered for "restoration of life" are (1)"reconstruction at early stage" (2)"supply of cheap housing" (3)"continuation of community and human relations."
 "Construction of city" : In this district, housing, industry and commerce have developed together. Businesses related to the synthetic shoe industry form the core of the community. We cannot regain a prosperous district without planning for the long-term success of this industry. Small business people worry about the future of the industrial infrastructure as well as their individual concern about restoration of life.

3) Reconstruction of urban space north of Nagata station --- the creation of a residential environment, a district where people live safely and comfortably.

The 1st city planning designation

 The land adjustment project to the north of Shin-Nagata station which was designed in March 1995 shows, 1: construction of major roads (city planning roads) going north-south and east-west at roughly 200 m intervals (one is 300m. ). Construction of main roads every two block is of rectangular lot system. 2: Arrangement of a 1 ha-- neighborhood park (disaster prevention park). 3: Rough locations of the main community roads and the parks within the larger blocks.
 Though we didn't hear directly from the administration about the intention of its first land readjustment plan, we can easily understand that they adopted the binary plan system. This is intended to maintain the consistency of the plan, in both wide and narrow area, and both long and short period, and also intend to link together the plan of the administration and possibility of its realization by participation of the residents.
 The city's land readjustment plan is a general long-term infrastructure plan to form the basic spatial outline of the area, while allowing flexibility within the larger blocks.
 The primary task for the machizukuri organizations is to plan and develop ways to fill in the details within the larger plan. Therefore we should consider whether the city's outline plan will result in a space that is desirable for the residents.

The appraisal judging from the condition of the district.

 When we consider the city's plan for main roads in the context of the conditions in the district thus far, we might say the following.
Condition of road network
Basic model for living environment block and arrangement of community road

The process of forming a plan and decision of a plan --- the gradual process

 The gradual decision of a plan corresponding with the process of forming a plan by the organization is characteristic in this land readjustment project.

Stage of forming a plan

 We can classify the stages of machizukuri by the method of the land readjustment as a table for convenience. We arrange the process of forming a plan and decision of a plan based on this classification.
 Stage A: Stage A is the step of generally locating of urban infrastructure (main roads and neighborhood parks). As stage A is done by the city, we need a point of view forming the area in the long period and we should not make a plan which will place persons rightfully concerned less advantageous than other
rightful persons.
 Stage B: Stage B is the planning of a basic infrastructure such as parks and main community roads. Though their locations were roughly shown in the drawing of the 1st city planning decision, they were not objects of the 1st city planning decision. This infrastructure is finalized as in this stage. At this point the plans have been open to inspection, people have submitted written opinions, and the machizukuri organization has developed a proposal. The main road access such as urban outer track roads are finally decided at this stage. Urban area parks are studied planned by a group of organizations because no one organization has the full responsibility. The width of the main community roads continued to be studied by some cooperating organizations in the preceding organization, they decided to study it again based on the preceding plan in the following organization.
 Stage C: Stage C is urbanization in the district and it is the main object of the organization formed of block unit, it plans land use and roads serving daily living. Especially in the industrial area, organizations concerned were united and planned land use and local street corresponding with it for the separation of housing and industry.
 Stage D: Stage D is a step to study more concrete use of the buildings in order to form a desirable living and industrial environment based on public facility planning of the land readjustment project, and they began to tackle this stage.
 In this area, district planning and a final work to decide participants of joint rebuilding in the joint rebuilding district have been carried forward.

Machizukuri proposal

Table-1 Stage for forming plan and decison of plan
 The content of the "machizukuri proposal" presented to the city government by each local machizukuri organization includes the outcomes from stage A to C, especially stage C.

The process of adopting the plan

 The process of adopting the plan after the March 1995 designation of the main roads and open spaces.

Temporary replotting

 Temporary replotting will be carried forward in the district where the conditions for temporary replotting are settled. Flying replotting to the desirable district of land use planning is allowed to the land owners and leaseholders referring to the decided land use planning in machizukuri proposal such as joint rebuilding and separation of housing and industry.
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