Supporters Network for Community Development "Machizukuri"
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5. Machizukuri Consultants / Planners

Roles of machizukuri consultants/planners in machizukuri for restoration

 Machizukuri consultants/planners have played important roles in promoting the machizukuri process. Immediately after the Earthquake, they established a consultant / planner network and developed a system to support the machizukuri activities of the citizens.
 In each of the areas designated for land readjustment/redevelopment, machizukuri organizations were formed by the City. The consultants have supported these organizations professionally and technically in creating the machizukuri plan, and have served as communication links between residents and the public agency. In other areas, they support residents undertaking joint or collaborating projects to rebuild housing and condominiums.

Relationship among machizukuri consultant / planner, residents and the public agency

Relationship among machizukuri consultant/planner,residents and the public agency
 It is difficult to understand the roles of the machizukuri consultant/planner. A simple structure in which the consultant/planner is responsible to only one side, residents or the public agency, who may have conflicting interests, is not appropriate. (Shown at right below.) As shown at left, each of the three: residents, the public agency and the machizukuri consultant/planner, has an individual role to promote rebuilding, and a bad relationship among the three will lead to delay. In this relationship, the machizukuri consultant/planner plays the role of "coordinator" to promote planning and restoration.

The role of the machizukuri consultant/planner, and the outlook for the future

 The machizukuri consultants/planners have carried out free and independent activities making the most of their specialties to support the machizukuri organizations and joint or collaborating housing projects. They have been supported by the public agency and the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Restoration Fund. This support is for a limited time, focused on the restoration after the Hanshin Great Earthquake. A system should be established and developed where the many lessons we have learned from the machizukuri for restoration are put to good account in the ordinary machizukuri in the future. The expertise of the machizukuri consultant/planner as a "coordinator" is also necessary in the White Zones where many problems remain. Keeping and developing many machizukuri organizations in the future will require their expertise and assistance.
 However, the number of machizukuri consultants/planners is insufficient in the disaster afflicted urban areas. The young rising generation who are to bear the future on their shoulders are in great demand to develop and implement these projects.
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