[底本] TLG 0060.001 Bibliotheca historica (lib. 1-20) K.T. Fischer (post I. Bekker & L. Dindorf) and F. Vogel, Diodori bibliotheca historica, 5 vols., 3rd edn. Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1888; 2:1890; 3:1893; 4-5:1906 (repr. Stuttgart, 1964): 1:1-533; 2:1-461; 3:1-497; 4:1-426; 5:1-336. Bibliotheca historica (lib. 21-40) F.R. Walton, Diodorus of Sicily, vols. 11-12. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 11:1957; 12:1967 (repr. 11:1968): 11:2-456; 12:2-294. [出典]